Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Huge treasure trove of 1959 Armour Hot Dog Premium Coins featuring Major League Baseball Stars and Hall of Famers.

Last week I bought some old games at a garage sale. One of them was Michigan Rummy, also called Tripoly. Besides the board that spreads out on the table was a shoe box full of chips to go with it. These chips were given away with packages of Armour Hot Dogs in 1955, 1959 and 1960. You could also order packs of 10 for $1 direct from Armour. These are all 1959 and include lots of big name ballplayers, future Hall of Famers. There are also many rare versions of these coins. Pink ones, translucent ones, confetti sparkles and rare swirls. There are over 200 coins in this giant collection.

Armourcoins.blogspot.com is the place to go for anything you want to know about Armour Coins. The two photos of an ad and an envelope are from this site.

"Armour baseball coins were a premium give away in Armour Hot Dogs in 1955, 1959 and 1960. There were many color variations and many errors that were corrected during the manufacturing cycle, making for very interesting variations for collectors."

1 comment:

  1. One of the top 5 Armour finds of the last 25 years...congrats
