Sunday, May 24, 2015

Extremely interesting and evocative original pen, ink and watercolor. Floral design surrounding a skull and crossbones with the letters SDA and the word "Careful". Signed Philip Ramis and dated 1945.

When I got this my very first thought was that this was vintage tattoo flash art. My second thought was that it was a fraternal lodge piece of some kind. Both of those options can sometimes be hard to decipher the artists intent. To my surprise, it is an old symbol and saying from the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

"Be careful what you say", "be careful who you trust", "be careful what you believe", "be careful who you associate with" etc. etc. etc. Thoughts typical of intimidating, fear-mongering, and misguided faiths. If you don't "be careful" you will die and you will not be part of the Resurrection of the Righteous. You will instead be permanently destroyed after Revelation 20 of the Millenium occurs. Theologically, this is referred to as "annihilationsim". Ideas like "be careful" theologically speaking is called "conditionalism".

It is wise to always be careful, but your Salvation shouldn't depend on whether you are or not. IMHO.

This piece is available for purchase here

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