Thursday, April 2, 2015

The household products of the N. K. Fairbanks Company in the 1880's-1890's. Marketing to the immigrant population.

The point of this post is to show you an example of a company marketing and advertising their products to the large, melting pot, of immigrants present at the turn of the last century. When we see bi-lingual or tri-lingual labels on products today, we may think it a recent phenomenon. Not so. Vast numbers of late 19th century immigrants were housekeepers, janitors and cleaning people of all sorts. The N.K. Fairbanks Co. made many different soaps and cleaning products. Gold Dust Twins being the most popular. Many of their customers were immigrants.

This old advertising booklet for the company is pretty cool. It shows all of the cleaning products Fairbanks made, but I discovered something on the inside of the back cover that made me think about the theme of this post. There are translations in German, Italian, French, Polish, Russian/Slovenian and Hebrew. While today the other languages on signs and labels maybe Spanish and Chinese marketing to immigrants is nothing new.

This is the last two pages, the translations are inside the back cover, right side in photo.

Here is the rest of the booklet. It is available here

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