Thursday, April 9, 2015

It is gonna be 34 degrees with snow forecast tonight in north central Wisconsin. These posters and album covers by Lewis Heriz will take you someplace warm.

I first saw the  work of Lewis Heriz on the website It's Nice That. Emily Gosling, writer for It's Nice That, had this to say.
"Friend of the site and fab illustrator Emily Evans recently got in touch to tell us about how brilliant designer and illustrator Lewis Heriz is. And we gotta hand it to the girl, she’s right. Lewis makes colourful, inventive sleeves that pay homage to the music of yesteryear, and he’s worked with the likes of Stonesthrow, Soundway and Now Again. In the words of the other Emily, “His record cover output is crazy large and amazing!”
In his work as an illustrator, designer and art director, Lewis is credited by many as helping move imagery for “world music” away from tired old tosh and into something smart, beautiful and relevant. You can see it for yourself here digitally, but you can also have a chance to meet Lewis IRL if you happen to be in east London on 9 April. He’ll be chatting at the Cover Club event which invites the best contemporary music artwork designers to talk about their work, and all for free".

Think tropical thoughts.............. Photos courtesy of the artist.

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