Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bizarre, satanic, outsider art drawings by Clifton Harvey 1979 discovered during an inspection of an abandoned Detroit home.

(From the Detroit Metro Times, Thursday April 23rd, 2015)

Trip out on these Satanic drawings found in an abandoned Detroit house

Posted By on Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 7:28 AM

Reader Joseph Goeddeke found these drawings in an abandoned Detroit house that he was inspecting for asbestos while working for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The house was scheduled to be demolished later that day, and Goeddeke (who says he's "not an art guy" but thinks "they are great drawings") decided to save the art and send it to us. We're glad he did.

We don't know anything about the artist other than that one of the pages is signed “Clifton Harvey” and dated “12/79." We dig his depiction of Satan as a giant with a snake arm and a three-headed snake pitchfork, and the drawings remind us of the works of Henry Darger and Hieronymus Bosch.

Enjoy. (And if you know who Clifton Harvey is, please drop us a line at

[Update 8:09 a.m. Friday, April 24, 2015: We asked Goeddeke where the drawings were found. "As I recall, east side. The area between Cadillac Blvd and St Jean, and Jefferson to Mack Ave," he says. "I found them last summer and they have been in my desk since, so I’m trying to recall. As you probably know, there are thousands of homes demolished each year, so I don’t think I can pinpoint an address, but it was definitely in that area."]

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