Monday, April 6, 2015

Antique, carved and painted, lidded box. Made by an American of Norwegian or Scandinavian descent here in north central Wisconsin. Ca. 1890's.

Crazy the stuff you find mixed together when you go on a house call. Yesterday I wrote about the great piece of 1970's abstract sculpture by Dan Blue of Chicago, Illinois we found Sunday. Today I want to show you an amazing folk art box from the same house. This piece originated here in north central Wisconsin. It was made by a person of Norwegian, Scandinavian or possibly German descent. The "dragonzied" lion animal is common in all of those cultures and this part of Wisconsin was settled by people of those extractions.

How do we know it was made here in Wisconsin and not in the Homeland?. The box is all pine, a very common American and Wisconsin wood. Also, the lid was made from a 19th century American advertising or shipping crate. It has faux ball and claw feet which is a really nice folk art touch. The surface is 100% original. Dry, crusty and awesome. This box is available for purchase here.

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