Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Incredible collection of W. S. Bowman photo postcards. Rendleton Round-Up 1914. Cowboys, cowgirls, bucking horses, parades, relay races, Native Americans, gambling, drinking, branding and roping. Amazing early images of the Round-Up in its infancy.

The first Pendleton Round-Up was to be “a frontier exhibition of picturesque pastimes, Indian and military spectacles, cowboy racing and bronco busting for the championship of the Northwest.” It turned out to be that and more. For the initial show, all stores closed. “The largest crowd in Pendleton’s history,” 7,000 strong, showed up for the first show on September 29, 1910, a newspaper write reported. “The words ‘Pendleton’ and Round-Up’ are on the lips of thousands and will continue to be for months and years to come… The Round-Up is a whirlwind success.” (Courtesy Round-Up website )

The Pendleton Round-Up is a major annual rodeo in Pendleton, Oregon, United States. Held during the second full week of September each year since 1910, the rodeo brings roughly 50,000 people every year to northeastern Oregon. It is a member of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, PRCA.

The Round-Up was incorporated as a non-profit organization July 29, 1910, as the "Northwestern Frontier Exhibition Association." The rodeo was primarily a creation of local ranchers led by Herman Rosenberg. Bronc rider Bonnie McCarroll (1897–1929) died in a rodeo accident at Pendleton. There are two fabulous cards of Bonnie in this collection. After this accident women were not allowed to rodeo professionally for many years (courtesy Wiki).

 Bonnie McCarrol before riding Snake. No. 22-C
Bonnie McCarrol thrown from Silver No. 29-C

Miss Doris Rebek Queen of the Round-Up No. 27-C

Miss Doris Rebak Queen of the Round-Up No. 5-C

Queenie Murial No. 74-D

Mable DeLong Champion Relay Rider No. 16-D

Mabel DeLong and Allen Drumheller Champion Relay Riders No. 52-D

Pres. Taylor and Queen Murial N0. 77-D

Lee Caldwell Champion Bronco Buster of the World

 Lee Caldwell on Flying Devil, Miles City Round-Up 1914, Winning the Bucking Horse and Montana State Championship. Marcell photo.
 3 Champions. Lee Caldwell First, C.A. Nutt Second and Sundown Third No. 44-C

 Jackson Sundown, Bob Hall and Rufus Rollen All Ready for the Finals No 51-D 1916

 Bob Calvin Scratching a Good Bucker No. 137-A 1913

 Bill Mahaffey on Is. Six Feet Up on a Rip Snorter No. 10-A

 Jackson Sundown on Angel Winning the Championship of the World No. 55-D 1916

Al Hoyt on Angel No. 231

 Byers Riding in the Wedding Ring No. 309
 Relay Race No. 26-D

 After The Grand March Cowboys and Cowgirls No. 100

 Untitled No. 32-C

Maverick Race Won by Buffalo Vernon No. 28-C
Sid Seals Drunken Ride No. 73-D
 All Down Let'er Go, Happy Canyon No. 47-C

Faro, Happy Canyon No. 50-C
Grazing Near Pendleton Bowman

 Not a cakewalk but WF Blancett riding Hotfoot in the Bucking Contest No. 77
 More old photo postcards from the same batch.

Unsigned and no number Bowman photo of Lee Caldwell.

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