Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Antique folk art house and music box made by E.W Rost of Janesville, Wisconsin. Historical settlement house "Pendarvis", Mineral Point, Wi.

Awesome piece of Wisconsin folk art. This was made by EW Rost who owned a furniture store in Janesville, Wisconsin. He was also a locally popular painter of some renown. This house was part of a display of the historical buildings in the community of Mineral Point, Wisconsin. This building is named Pendarvis This folk art house is 15 x 11 x 12 1/2 and is 100% original. Music box works fine. In the early 19th century
Wisconsin lead mining was more promising and attractive to potential settlers than the fur trade. Hundreds of immigrants poured into southwestern part of the state. Experienced miners began arriving from Cornwall in southwestern England in the 1830s. The Cornish settled in Mineral Point and throughout the Upper Mississippi lead region and constructed small, limestone homes similar to those they had left in England.
Mineral Point became a thriving commercial center that housed one of Michigan Territory's first land offices and served as a territorial county seat. The boom continued into early Wisconsin statehood, when lead and zinc mining and processing became the dominant mining activity.

Available for purchase here

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