Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Baillon Cars.

I grew up around automobiles and classic cars. Dad was a hobbyist restoration guy and we always had a car in the garage being worked on. From simple Model T's and A's to mid-century Buicks, Triumphs, Mercedes, Morris Minors and finally dads true automotive love, 1960's and 1970's Jaguars. Every Labor Day weekend was spent in Auburn, Indiana at the annual gathering of Auburn, Cord and Dusenburg aficionados, The ACD Meet. Wandering around the Auburn, Cord, Dusenburg Museum was a joy each year as was the annual Parade of Classics.

In conjunction with the ACD Meet was a huge swap meet and auction that exists to this day. When we first started going the sale was at the old high school but ultimately it was held at the Kruse Company Auction Park. It is now run by Auctions America and is even televised world wide. The car hobby as certainly grown. I am so blessed to have been exposed to all of this.

I first read about the Baillon Cars on justacarguy in November 2014 I think it was. Like everyone with any interest in automobilia my jaw hit the floor. This was the greatest "Barn Find" ever. Barn Find is a cliche for finding something undiscovered in an old barn, be it an automobile, a piece of furniture or a rare painting. Larry Edsall puts it this way.

"It was just a few months ago that Artcurial announced that Lamoure and Artcurial car specialist Pierre Novikoff had discovered the Baillon cars, an amazing array of outstanding vehicles which Baillon had saved from destruction but for decades had been deteriorating, stored in open-sided sheds behind the garden walls of the Baillon estate in western France. Lamoure compared the experience to the discovery of the cars to that of the archeologists who founded King Tut’s tomb in Egypt in the 1920s."  Courtesy Larry Edsall here

If you havent seen what Lamoure and Pierre discovered, here are some great pictures. All courtesy of . Artcurial moved all of the cars to Paris for their 2015 Salon Retromobile Auction. This auction was held Friday February 6th, 2015. The individual results and highlights will be in my next post on this amazing story.

PDF of entire catalog here

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