Friday, January 16, 2015

Were you ever troubled with figuring out distances when looking at a road map? If so, then you needed an opisometer.

A kid came in the shop yesterday and said he had a pocket watch for sale. Said it was his grandfathers and that it didnt look right to him. The kid probably has only seen the time presented digitally so I had to cut him some slack. Anyway, it's not a watch. It is an "opisometer" which is a device for measuring the distance between two points on a flat map. It has a little wheel on the bottom that you roll between the two points you are interested in. While the little wheel turns the sweep hand goes around the face of the instrument. It converts how far you rolled on the map into kilometers. Pretty cool. This one is WW II vintage and German made. Very high quality. Includes a handy compass. I was excited about learning a new word yesterday....opisometer.

 Available for purchase here

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