Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rare 1933 Amelia Earhart parachute lamp. Made by The Century Mfg. Co. of Kenosha. Sold in 2014.

This was a really exciting object to sell because we had never seen one before. The man that brought it in said his father owned a housewares and gift shop back in the early 30's and he had this lamp in the store. He also had the original sales letter pitching the lamp to the store owner and a promotional poster for the store.

The store owner could sell them at an msrp of $4.95 each and make a full mark. That made the wholesale like $2.50 each in lots of 12. I am guessing $2.50 was a lot of money in the rock bottom years of the Great Depression so they did'nt sell many. $4.95 retail was really crazy in 1933. Thats why they are rare I guess. It was cast aluminum or pot metal with a steel parachute. The parachute had punched stars and planets and stuff.

#ameliaearhart #aviation #flight #pilot