Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hot item alert: Portable record players from the 60's and 70's.

You may not know it, but music on vinyl is making a huge comeback. Young people are listening to old long playing albums and many record labels are offering new releases on vinyl as well as digitally. If you are looking for vinyl visit Inner Sleeve Records here in Wausau.

We sell every portable record player we get in almost immediately. I am not talking about small ones from the 1950's for 45's. The ones we sell the most of are larger, beefier ones for lp's and are from the 1960's and 1970's. If you find these old sets buy them but again, they must work and condition must be near mint to get the best price. Thrift shops, antique malls, flea markets, garage sales, Ebay and Etsy are great places to start looking if you need one. Here are some of the ones we have sold recently. Big brown console record players we cant give away but these babies are hot.

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