Tuesday, January 20, 2015

British made, toy lead soldiers from the 20's and 30's.

When I was about 3-5 years old our family lived on Long Island in New York State. I remember bits and pieces, like carry-out Chinese from The Ding Dong restaurant, Jones Beach, Roosevelt Plaza Shopping Center and some of my neighbor kids. Being from Indiana this was my first taste of multi-culturalism. All of a sudden I had Italian kids and Jewish kids as my friends. One thing we played with hard was a huge set of lead soldiers a neighbor lady gave me. These were really cool including Brigadoons, bagpipers and Royal Guards. They looked like this when we got them.

Photos courtesy here

We played hard with them on dirt piles, in the gutter, all over the place. It wasnt very long until all of the guns and flags and bagpipes were broken off and the paint was gone. We sure had fun with them though.

Last week we got this set of Britains Soldiers-Regiments of all Nations. They are about 3" tall and 4" long and are absolutely mint. The original box is included. No missing pieces or paint chips at all. Unplayed with I would say. They are available for purchase here

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