Friday, January 23, 2015

Antique signal cannon. Cast iron and brass. Sold in 2014.

Signal cannons were used for making noise only, they did'nt shoot a projectile. All ships were equipped with several. They were also used for starting yacht races and other ceremonial events. They go back to the 18th century, most of the early ones were British or Spanish.
Around the War of 1812 American foundries started producing them. In the early 20th century arms maker Winchester made several models of signal cannons. The one we sold was an unmarked early 20th century cannon not a reproduction. It was all cast iron with brass holding the barrel in place. It was extremely heavy for its 23" length. I would estimate its weight at 50#. It was muzzle loaded. It had been repainted black several times in its 100+ years.

Here are some other examples of antique signal cannons. Courtesy AA.Gaines 

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